Sunday, June 21, 2009


There is a beautiful place……a place with divined blessings,of pure hearts and tranquil moments.
Oh how I fret at the thought I cannot dwell there any further..My time was up, I was called to serve my sentence not so long ago on a fine Saturday afternoon.

Is it two parallel worlds I wondered,
Such a beautiful encounter;
I wanted to return, but I couldn’t!
The chains of reality had already imprisoned me;
And bruised by a ‘man’ already whipping me!

How could I be punished, I wondered,
For a crime I did not commit;
Yet piles of accusations were being stashed in front of me
And I feared the shadows of the mountain of false,
would ‘obstruct’ my pleasures of daylight;
and “I object you ‘honour ?’ ”

Will the defendant rise! Thump!! Guilty!!!
But wait! Where was my chance at defense?
surely there must be a mistake;
I am the Victim! My story needs to be told..

My sudden fate and overwhelming state gripped me by it’s icy cold fingers.
I am numb! Please help me! I am told this is a religious ground!
Am I wrong? Is it only a religious pretext??

The sentencing begun;

“You will hereby be identified as ‘110685’ “
You are not to have a name! from today, you would be a nobody!

How queer circumstances I wondered
That was my bday..
Then I smiled at my self, How befitting
We are all born unto a prison of life.

“you will not be proposed to, nor will you propose to anyone”
Of course this was understandable,
It was a prison after all!

It was a judge who appeared before me,
Yet he was a father too????
And my thoughts drifted once more as I wondered;
Wouldn’t every daughter deserve love?
If not love, then at least compassion?

Teachings of the' most awakened one' were uttered.
Yet they were in the form of a sentence!
I agonied in the pain of how things could be twisted.

“ga’rawocha , niwa’thocha, Poojacha poojaneeyanang”

Once more I wondered;
True respect and regard comes from the heart, doesn’t it?
And yet here it was being imposed by the trimming of honorary titiles……

The concluding judgement was placed before me.
Are Emotional blows always superior to any blow of the axe? I wondered...
But then I realized where the ego is not present, who can mock you?

And so I was warned, breaching these conditions would result in disastrous consequences;
I would be trampled, I would be beaten up…

And I wondered…
Did not Abraham Lincholn teach us to be gentle with gentle people,
and tough with the tough?
Does not my pure innocence reflected in the mirror of life?

And I wondered, how I did deserve this?
Then I smiled as the answer dawned upon me,
‘for all the crimes I did commit and didn’t get caught!’
And for this I am guilty! mea culpa!
‘justice served’!

I thanked my sole Juror for the enlightenment his verdict bestowed upon me………….


"What will this day be like?
I wonder
What will my future be?
I wonder
It could be so exciting
To be out in the world
To be free??
My heart should be wildly rejoicing?
Oh whats the matter with me??"

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